Monday, August 24, 2020

HIJRAH. A new beginning.

Today 25 Aug 2020 is already 6 Muharram 1442H.

Based on Hijri Calendar, I am already entering 36 years old. 


I am OLD

High time for a change. Change of bad habit I mean.

I am sure everyone have self-conscious of their bad habit.

Well.. maybe not everyone, but at least I am. 

Let's hope and strive for a better future. 

Nothing's gonna change without effort.

Pray for a better me, better life onwards.


Thursday, July 16, 2020

The expected and the unexpected

its really been a while...
a loooong while....

So, we all do have expectation over most things right..?

a strong belief that something will happen or to be the case.


something that is not expected to happen or occur

Not everything we expect will happen, will happen.
The best worst we can expect is from fellow human.
Human, a strong but fragile creature, easily swayed by emotion and worldly desire, are the least to put our hope on.

LESS EXPECTATION in other fellow Homo-Sapiens will actually make us less broken-hearted whenever something UNEXPECTED happened.

In ALLAH we put our hope and ask forgiveness.
God Bless.

Disclaimer. : No, nothing especially bad happened really,.. just wanna write something about this title.. the post with this title, which had been in draft mode since more than a DECADE ago.. Yep, this was drafted more than 10 years ago..