From years ago i already tested a lot of them, from the old-school Netscape, , Opera, Win based Safari, etc till the latest Chrome, CometBird, and the latest IE 8.
But the most i like to use is definitely Firefox or FF.
The reason is simple - add-on and themes.
Favorite Add Ons-
No. 1. AdBlock Plus.
1. Block most advertisement from various ad site
2. Reduced network lag due to unwanted connection to the ad site/server.
3. Can set to block certain unwanted picture/ flash/ video on a site.
see the comparison between two pages?
No.2 DownloadHelper
There are many times we stumble over some good song/video by chance. Be it YouTube, or Daily Motion, or Imeem, or whatever it is, this add-on can download them, easily, (into .flv type file).
*I personally use this especially for easy downloading from imeem .
*You can play them in most audio/video player if you have compatible codec installed.
No.3 Smart Bookmarks Bar & Favicon Picker
Compact bookmark, easy to access, save you hundreds of clicks everyday~
Great to combine with Favicon Picker to make custom-made bookmark icons.
No.4 Download statusbar
Can easily view and manage downloaded items in a tidy status bar.
N0.5 ColoUnReaDTabs
Open too many tabs? Yet don't know which one haven't been read yet?
Don't worry, this add-on can help you identify unread tabs by showing them in reds letter~
There's a lot more i'd been using, but that all for now~ malas la nak taip banyak2...